Step-by-step: Opportunity Incubator
Supports young rural entrepreneurs with skills, market access, and job creation.
Passo-a-passo: Incubadora de opportunidades
Apoia jovens empresários rurais na aquisição de competências, no acesso ao mercado e na criação de emprego.
Passo-a-passo: Organizar um concurso de plano de negócios em contexto rural
AGRINOVA forma, apoia e financia jovens empresários rurais para criar empresas de microtransformação e postos de trabalho.
Step-by-step: Organize a Business Plan Competition in a rural context
AGRINOVA trains, supports, and finances young rural entrepreneurs to create micro-processing businesses and jobs.
This handbook provides practical tools and templates to strengthen youth organizations to enhance rural development and youth empowerment.
What Works in Rural Youth Employment Promotion?
This report presents and adapts successful approaches for promoting rural youth employment in GIZ programs.
Monitoring of Participation and Results of (rural) Job and Opportunity Fairs
This How-to Guide helps organizations monitor and evaluate mass events, using rural opportunity fairs as a case study.
Measuring Employment Effects in Rural Development (Practical Guidelines)
Measure and report employment impacts from rural development projects by linking activities to outcomes and guiding effective monitoring.
Matched – Connecting youth to rural employment opportunities
This How-to Guide offers practical insights and lessons for policymakers and organizations on designing and executing successful rural job and opportunity fairs.
How to… Support Generation Exchange and Farm Succession in Agriculture: GenX
The GenX handbook aids advisory services in creating effective farm succession frameworks to support both older and younger generations.