Results, Learnings, Recommendations
Discover the facts and figures of how the 360° AgriJobs Approach worked and how it can be further improved.
Clement: From Nursing to Nurturing Youth Through Farming Innovation
Clement Taonani, a self-taught agribusiness entrepreneur, started his agribusiness with 70$ and now empowers youth through his diversified farm and innovation hub.
Sylvia: Growing Big Through Passion Fruit
As a member of a youth group Sylvia engaged with The Mountain Berean, to planting and nursing passion fruit.
Norbert: Creating Jobs for Young Farmers
“I knew I could do just that at home: Help my community while also doing my own farming,” recalls Nobert, who concentrates on maize, African Leafy Vegetables, beans and poultry.
Kelvin: Building a Diversified Agribusiness Step by Step
“I saw that there are things I can do in farming to generate money, without waiting for employment. I can even use my IT skills for online marketing of my products.”
Patrick: The Future is Bananas
Patrick produces bananas for consumers around the city and supports local farmers through banana propagation.
Sharon: Matched for Success
Thanks to a digital career platform, I learned how to write a better CV, compete in job interviews and finally found a job in a seedling company that was advertised on the platform.
Renny: Agricultural Start-up Forge
The founder Renny Wechule has taken the leap into self-employment. Today, the young Kenyan earns her money by hatching chicks and selling chicken eggs.
Curlstar: Self-Organized Agripreneurs
Curlstar Karegi has a passion for youth in agriculture, and they won’t sit and wait until someone else creates opportunities for them – they will proactively go and be the change.
Adjatarou: Sweet to Successful – A Mango Businesswoman’s Journey
Adjaratou Kaboré is one of 87 women entrepreneurs who have successfully turned their business idea into reality.