How to Lay Ground for Sustainable Youth Employment through Business Modelling
Explore strategies for fostering youth employment in Africa’s agri-food sector by promoting tailored business models and highlighting lessons from case studies.
Comment… Mesurer l‘amélioration des perspectives d’emploi
L’« indice des perspectives d’emploi » fournit une vision holistique de l’emploi des jeunes afin d’orienter les stratégies durables.
How to… Measure Good Employment Prospects in Rural Areas
The “Employment Prospects Index” (EPI) provides a holistic view of youth employment to guide sustainable strategies.
How to… Leverage Rural Youth Employment through Agroecology
Explore how agroecology can create jobs for rural youth in Africa while enhancing food security, resilience, and sustainability.
Como… Promover o Empreendedorismo dos Jovens através da Incubação
Descobrir estratégias comprovadas de incubação de empresas para jovens para promover o autoemprego e a independência económica, especialmente para mulheres e jovens na África Subsariana.
How to… Incubate youth entrepreneurs
Discover proven strategies for youth business incubation to foster self-employment and economic independence, especially for women and youth in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Jobs perspectives in agroecology More employment, better income: A factsheet
Agroecology provides a transformative approach to sustainable food systems, boosting resilience, job growth, and quality of life in rural areas.
How to… Promote an Entrepreneurial Mindset Within Youth Employment Programs
Explore how four innovative entrepreneurship trainings develop key soft skills for young people to achieve business success and employment goals.
How to… Promote Green Jobs in the Agri-Food Sector
Discover how the 360° AgriJobs Approach promotes green jobs and skills in the agri-food sector, with real-life examples and lessons learned from global initiatives.
How to… Promote gender-transformative approaches within Rural Youth Employment programmes
Learn how to empower young women and transform gender norms to boost employment and income opportunities in rural youth employment programs.