
Employment for rural youth


Here you will find practical how-to-papers, guides, innovative training curricula, country-specific examples, and tools for business model creation and facilitating matching opportunities. Have fun exploring!

The Agripreneurship Level 3 qualification covers skills needed to start and run an agri-enterprise, including sales, marketing, quality maintenance, and record-keeping.
Countries : Kenya
These Level 4 qualifications cover comprehensive beekeeping skills, including apiary management, equipment construction, and bee product processing.
Countries : Kenya
The manual offers a comprehensive guide to essential business and soft skills for smallholder farmers, supporting youth in self-employment or business management.
Countries : Malawi
O chicken game ajuda os agricultores a aprender os fundamentos de negócios e gestão financeira por meio de uma simulação interativa de 3 dias.
Countries : Mozambique
The course trains youth in advanced chili production techniques and essential business skills for successful commercial farming.
Countries : Malawi
O manual apoia formadores de Institutos Agrários no uso de smartphones e tecnologias digitais para promover uma aprendizagem interativa e acessível.
Countries : Mozambique
La formation aide les jeunes à créer et développer des entreprises agribusiness.
Countries : Burkina Faso
The training empowers agripreneurs by integrating gender dimensions into business practices and promoting collaborative, transformative change in agribusiness.
Countries : Malawi, Kenya
The training covers skills for producing, processing, and marketing groundnuts.
Countries : Kenya
The course equips youth with the skills and knowledge to explore opportunities in the horticulture value chain and achieve economic self-sufficiency.
Countries : Malawi
The course teaches young people the essentials of starting a horticulture business.
Countries : Malawi
The Training equips trainees to prepare land, grow and process various leafy vegetables, and market them effectively.
Countries : Kenya

Le guide de formation sur la taille, le traitement phytosanitaire des manguiers et anacardiers, ainsi que sur la récolte des mangues et le ramassage des anacardes, vise à enseigner aux participants les techniques essentielles, l’utilisation des équipements appropriés, et les pratiques sécuritaires pour optimiser la rentabilité et l’efficacité des opérations agricoles.

Countries : Burkina Faso
O manual orienta sobre oportunidades, gestão e lucratividade na pulverização na cadeia de valor do caju.
Countries : Mozambique

O programa de produção de feijão vulgar visa melhorar a nutrição das famílias moçambicanas e gerar uma fonte de renda sustentável para pequenos produtores por meio da comercialização do feijão.

Countries : Mozambique
O Manual de Maneio de Frangos de Corte, destaca os principais factores que podem influenciar o desempenho dos frangos. Ele faz parte do serviço de informação técnica.
Countries : Mozambique
Ce guide aide les jeunes à choisir entre emploi salarié et auto-emploi à travers quatre modules pratiques et interactifs.
Countries : Burkina Faso
The training builds self-starting and persistence through tailored, interactive methods.
English, Portuguese
Countries : Mozambique, Malawi
The course trains youth in poultry farming skills and business management for success in the sector.
Countries : Malawi
These trainings cover poultry hatchery, broiler, Kienyeji chicken, layer production, and processing skills.
Countries : Kenya
La formation enseigne la taille, le traitement phytosanitaire et la récolte des mangues et anacardes.
Countries : Burkina Faso
Formation de 9 semaines sur l’élevage du poulet de chair, incluant théorie et pratique.
Countries : Burkina Faso
La formation couvre les bases à la gestion et à la transformation de produits.
Countries : Burkina Faso
The Soft Skills Training develops workplace skills like time management, creativity, communication, and teamwork.
Countries : Kenya
O manual visa melhorar a renda agrícola e apícola, promover direitos de gênero, e desenvolver habilidades de vida e negócios.
Countries : Mozambique

“I started a banana nursery with two friends to provide farms with virus-free, high-quality seedlings. Our vision is to substitute banana imports from Tanzania with local production.” 

– Patrick,  Operator of a seedling nursery  (Malawi) 

“Youth run away from agribusiness because they view it as something negative that can’t bring them money. I’m not saying it’s an easy journey, but as youth we have the energy to do something. Especially when we come together as a group.” 

– Curlstar, Founder of the Vihiga Youth Agripreneurs Network (Kenya)

“During the Covid-pandemic, I had the idea to produce Mango juice, as I knew that demand was there. Thanks to the right support, I have built up a professional production, employing three people during Mango season.”

– Adjaratou, Fruit juice entrepreneur (Burkina Faso) 

“Not long ago, I didn’t have any work of my own, I just did what everyone in our village does – help my parents in the fields. I never thought that one day I would start my own business. I would like to see more young people to have the courage to start their own business in the countryside.” 

– Fabelsa, Chicken egg producer (Mozambique) 

“Youth run away from agribusiness because they view it as something negative that can’t bring them money. I’m not saying it’s an easy journey, but as youth we have the energy to do something. Especially when we come together as a group.” 

– Curlstar, Founder of the Vihiga Youth Agripreneurs Network (Kenya)

“It’s high time for young people to migrate from just conceiving agriculture as a culture or tradition and to now start embracing agriculture as a business which can assist in creating sustainable employment.”

– Brian, Peanut butter producer (Malawi)

“It is difficult for me to find suitable employees. For many women of my age, family responsibilities always take precedence. Even my husband smiled at me at first and did not believe in me. Today, he supports me and takes care of the children when I cannot make it home on time.”

– Adjaratou, Fruit juice entrepreneur (Burkina Faso)

“Thanks to a digital career platform, I learned how to write a better CV, compete in job interviews and finally found a job in a seedling company that was advertised on the platform.”

– Sharon, Sales and marketing employee (Kenya)

“To be honest, I never thought about taking the leap into self-employment. Apart from that – I wouldn‘t have known how to do it. My very own success: I am no longer dependent on my parents. Even better, I can finally give something back to them.”

– Renny, Poultry farmer (Kenya)

“Not long ago, I didn’t have any work of my own, I just did what everyone in our village does – help my parents in the fields. I never thought that one day I would start my own business. I would like to see more young people to have the courage to start their own business in the countryside.” 

– Fabelsa, Chicken egg producer (Mozambique) 

“During the Covid-pandemic, I had the idea to produce Mango juice, as I knew that demand was there. Thanks to the right support, I have built up a professional production, employing three people during Mango season.”

– Adjaratou, Fruit juice entrepreneur (Burkina Faso) 

“I started a banana nursery with two friends to provide farms with virus-free, high-quality seedlings. Our vision is to substitute banana imports from Tanzania with local production.” 

– Patrick,  Operator of a seedling nursery  (Malawi) 

“I make compost as a source of income and to preserve our environment. It makes me very proud to be the number one compost producer in my area. I also decided to produce a bio-repellent – not only for my own production but also for other producers.”

– Sansan, Producer of biological agricultural inputs (Burkina Faso)